
Webinar: Holiday fundraising – Run Your Holiday Fundraisers Virtually

October 13, 2020
@ 2 P.M. Eastern Time

The holiday season is around the corner. Whether you usually have incredible fundraisers or just do a few small things, this year things will be different. We do have some positive news though, you can do something new or just take your tried and true fundraisers virtual, but you don’t have to miss out on the end of the year giving from new and current donors. 

Let’s do a deeper dive into running all the different holiday season fundraisers as well as preparing for one-day events like GivingTuesday. The opportunity to differentiate and segment messaging will help you push towards your end of the year goals. Donors want to give and that end of the year donation is still out there. 

And, yeah of course we want to ensure your team has confidence you can do this and we can help with ideas and best practices. 

Join our team as we discuss:

  • new and improved holiday fundraising ideas
  • ways to differentiate your message and stand out in a very crowded space
  • other holidays and one-day events to fundraise around


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